Annandale, VA

571 451 9230

HERBIG IDEA is a creative studio comprised of WHITNEY LYLE and SAM HERBIG. Whitney is a designer who loves to create books, packaging, and do more crafty projects in her spare time. Sam is a film electrician who loves to take photos tirelessly, while finding time on the side to create maps in various mediums (a long-standing hobby, starting with his 3-d topographical map of his hometown, Tübingen, Germany in elementary school).

Together, Whitney's big picture ideas and Sam's impeccable attention to detail, they pull prints in a print shop or set-up a makeshift photography studio. They love to generate ideas and find ways to execute them. 


We're chronicling our travels around the states on this blog. Check it out, if you're bored and sitting on an apple box (you can also check it out from home or the office).

Filtering by Tag: Florida

Glitz & Kidz

Samuel Herbig

We're back!

I would like to dedicate this post to my mom and dad.

Theoretically this post would connect seamlessly to our podcast. Which makes me think about what the most seamless transition from a audio to a text entry would be? We'd both like to thank any and all of you who showed the tremendous courage and determination to listen to the podcast all the way through (even with us only about 50% managed to pull that off, right Sam?). We thought that in the end it actually worked out quite well, but by any means if you have suggestions, let us know!

It is Wednesday, April 16th! The important highlights right out of the gate:

  • We get back to our drawing
  • We see Elysha and meet Jessica
  • Disney!

Driving back up to the mainland, we had a few hours to kill before we would be able to meet up with my old friend Elysha and her friend Jessica. So while I was driving, Whitney located Miami Beach's art deco district and we added an impromptu stop. We parked the car, picked up our sketch books and pens and found ourselves a spot on Collins Avenue to put down some drawings. Even just driving through the district I got pretty excited talking about the architecture. I think the art deco style is so appealing to me because of its clean lines, the verticals and horizontals. It's simple but elegant and it manages to frame even very large buildings in an utterly satisfying fashion.

I'm one of those people who would say, "to me all the things in the world are connected through lines", for example. Makes sense then that I feel it has a calming effect on me, right? And to make matters worse, I loved geometry in school. The cleaner the lines, the better.

To draw, we sat on a bench at a bus stop. There was some grumbling and Whitney swears she heard a conversation along the lines of:
Woman #1: "What are they drawing?"
Woman #2: "It's the Delenor building, I think."
Woman #1: "No, really?"
Woman #2: "Yeah, she wrote it right there at the top. You can't tell?"
Woman #1: ". . ."

Lol! We didn't mind them and in the end I'm actually pretty proud of our drawings! (Whitney: Sam can speak for himself here. I'm a bit sore about how rusty my drawing skills are!)

The story of "Gale"...

The story of "Gale"...

...and "Delano"

...and "Delano"

Before we even got to Florida (and really since I knew we'd be crossing through the state) I was very eager to link up with Elysha, an old college friend from New York. That's for a couple of reasons. One, we collaborated on a number of different projects for school, some more hands-on than others. Two, and this is probably the more important one to me, she'd been a pretty solid friend to me during some of my more difficult years in the states. And if you think that sounds sappy . . . well good!

In the end we met up at a Senior Burrito in Delray had some food and margaritas and talked a lot. I was happy to see how hard Jessica and Elysha were working on keeping their Taekwondo academy on track and how much joy and fulfillment it brought them. Jessica told me only about some of the things they're doing to create a diverse and creative safe community for the kids that come from all walks of life. Which really just reminds me how again and again it's happened to us along this trip, that we've run into an old friend or acquaintance and we got to take a quick peek into their lives and see what makes them tick. So thanks to both of you for taking the time to see us! It meant a lot to me ("us" here)? I also specifically rode the "Dumbo" ride for you, Elysha, just so you know!

So glad we got to meet up!

So glad we got to meet up!

For the next three hours Whitney bravely trucked us through the central Floridian swamp until we emerged on the other side, unharmed and checked into our hotel twelve minutes driving distance from Disney.

Coffee's kicking in somewhere between frame 2 and 3

Coffee's kicking in somewhere between frame 2 and 3

Thursday and Friday: Now, we spent the next two days here, one at the Magic Kingdom, and the other day at Epcot. Most everyone here is at least familiar with the Disney brand so I'll spare you any specifics. I'll just talk a little bit about my impressions from our time here.

Disney is a stop added on Whitney's behest. I neither cared for nor felt the need to experience Disney World. So going into the whole thing I'd put my expectation and anticipation level at "mildly excited", I'd say.

And even now, having digested it all I wouldn't say I'm burning to go back. If someone invited me, sure I'd go but I don't think I'd go out of my way.

There's what you would expect: the showy-ness of it all. It's a bit contrived, you know? The smiles, the waves. It seemed like every single employee there was coached to have a positive verbal interaction with the guests. That's nice, but also so awkward to me. Sometimes I'm mad, and then I don't say anything at all to anyone all day (do they take a day off work on those days?). Oh well.

You'd also not be surprised at the average guest there: a little whiter than average perhaps, a little heavier than average maybe. A lot more kids than I'd encounter in a years time on average. Nothing outrageous, just a little. The rascal scooter average, on the other hand, was completely out of hand! I mean Epcot at least has the world with a lake in the middle, but at the Magic Kingdom?

Talbot, Photographer and Portugal: This is Disney!

Talbot, Photographer and Portugal: This is Disney!

What's so cool to me about both parks were two things in particular, I think. First, and this specifically applies to Tomorrowland in the Magic Kingdom and Epcot's Future World, is that it was all a little dated. Instead of making it feel old however, it made it interesting to me, just like watching an old movie and being able to sense the (warning, big German word coming up!) Zeitgeist. What was thought to be the new and flashy thing then may not hold up to today's sensibilities anymore, but from a design point of view it's like a walk through the mind of a designer. Totally surreal, but how often do you get to touch and live in another designers world? Best research opportunity, ya know?

The other was how it seemed that the ideas were realized in such an uncompromising way. It's really the slow "boat rides" with their animatronic characters that are leading the charge here, in my mind. There are "it's a small world", "Peter Pan", "The Little Mermaid", " Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Haunted Mansion" to name a few. What's so good about them is that although they all use the same set of tools, they are all so different. There's the extensive use of colored wooden puppets in "its a small world" and then in the "Haunted Mansion" there are optical effects, light effects, reflections and so on. So I think this creative reimagining of the same principle is something that I can completely buy into.

There are some cool coasters which I actually enjoyed, because they don't have 200 foot vertical drops while twisting around their own axis. I'm wuss when it comes to that sort of stuff, and that's that. For that reason, I liked the "Thunder Mountain" coaster (twisty!), but I think that "Mission Space" was the most novel and thus most exciting one for me.

I love the idea of the coaster busting through the billboard

I love the idea of the coaster busting through the billboard

Whitney and I went for a couple of different reasons I think: Whitney wanted to share something that had been meaningful to her during her childhood. She wanted to show me how that had impacted her and perhaps in the long run given her an impetus to be a creative in this world.

The Disney brand, style and look can certainly be a tremendous inspiration and creative experience to draw from. As I mentioned earlier, the execution of the individual rides looks is impeccable. When I think back now, this sort of thing let's me dream of pursuing my projects without thinking about compromising as a solution all the time. That's so refreshing and encouraging to see!

And lastly we wanted to have a little fun and I'm really so glad I got to go.

Though we bought the tickets to Magic Kingdom and Epcot we certainly were still on a road trip budget, so we did our best to be conscious of that and for the most part that really didn't hold us back. We splurged on dinner in Canada (Whitney O-tone: "Best steak I've ever had!") and said goodbye to an eventful two days at Disney watching the admittedly freaggin awesome fireworks show at Epcot.

Whitney was so excited to finally get done with Disney, right babe?

Whitney was so excited to finally get done with Disney, right babe?

It was good that we had to drive a quiet 10 hour drive to New Orleans the next day, I think.


Whitney Lea

Hi everybody!

This is a really exciting post for us, because neither of us have ever done a podcast, so bear with us.

In the podcast we discuss our expectations of the Keys, what we experienced in the end. 

We still wanted to include pictures, so we're just going to post them in the order we talk about them so you scroll down along with the audio.

We hope you enjoy it!

"The fishing boat with the two motors on the back"

"The fishing boat with the two motors on the back"

"Small cottage buildings"

"Small cottage buildings"

"We watched the sunset"

"We watched the sunset"

"It was awesome"

"It was awesome"

"Grilled up some steaks"

"Grilled up some steaks"

"We did make a drawing"

"We did make a drawing"

"We had a little art sess"

"We had a little art sess"

"Route 1 South"

"Route 1 South"

"Gorgeous blue water"

"Gorgeous blue water"

"Heads of lettuce slash sea stars"

"Heads of lettuce slash sea stars"

"Sam was sweating"

"Sam was sweating"

"Eaton Street Fish Market" or "Eaton Street Seafood Market"

"Eaton Street Fish Market" or "Eaton Street Seafood Market"

"It's going to set in front of a bunch millionaires houses"

"It's going to set in front of a bunch millionaires houses"

"When the margarita's gone"

"When the margarita's gone"

"The first half of the eclipse"

"The first half of the eclipse"

"The forty year old pet iguana, Bob."

"The forty year old pet iguana, Bob."

"To hell with people not swimming in Key West, we're going to find a beach"

"The water was amazing"

"The water was amazing"

"It was quite a pleasant beach."

"It was quite a pleasant beach."

"At Pepe's"

"At Pepe's"

"We got there in time for happy hour"

"We got there in time for happy hour"

"I was excited about it at that time"

"I was excited about it at that time"

"There are so many trees that are flowering"

"There are so many trees that are flowering"

"People would have these very well kept backyards"

"People would have these very well kept backyards"

"Definitely — snorkeling"

"Definitely — snorkeling"

That's all folks! We hope you enjoyed it, and let us know if you think we should do another one, okay?

Firsts & Transitions

Samuel Herbig


Our drive into Florida was quick, but in that short time we realized one very hard reality that has plagued us since: Gas in Florida is expensive.

But let's rewind for a second. We got to Florida and it's really the first time either of us have been in the sunshine state (at least in the past ten years). They say a lot of things about judging books by their cover but when you're faced with something the first time you don't think in those terms. You're just jotting down your first impressions.

What I thought about walking towards the Florida Welcome Center off I-95 was: there are a lot of overweight people, kids behaving poorly and big trucks here. I realized that's very judgmental of me of course, so every time I've felt that way in the past I thought: You're missing something here. Look more closely and you'll find that there's more to what you think you're seeing here. 

In the case of Florida, and I think I'm speaking for both Whitney and myself here, that moment didn't come until Miami; I'm getting ahead of myself though.

We got our complimentary orange and grapefruit juice and sat back down in the Omimobile to finish our day's trip to St. Augustine.

It's interesting in retrospect that I didn't even think about the historical aspect of St. Augustine on the way there. I mean I know that it's the oldest Spanish settlement in North America, but to us it didn't amount to more than a waypoint on our travels south. That's in no way meant as a slight towards Florida or St. Augustine. It's just the way things worked out.

The really cool thing about our campground in Anastasia State Park was that it was near the beach. For the first time we had the opportunity to go out and swim in the ocean. The whole idea of going swimming in the Atlantic was a sort of gateway into the "summer" part of our road trip.

We didn't much exceed sticking our toes in the water that night, but to me it was the beginning of water, sunscreen, sunglasses and pavement that's too hot to walk on barefoot.

Cook meister-in-chief

Cook meister-in-chief

To feed ourselves in the evening we sought out a local supermarket by the roadside, just outside the Anastasia. We got fresh vegetables, a piece of fresh tuna, coals and a bag of ice. Back at the campsite we split the tasks: Whitney prepared (chopped, peeled, seasoned) the vegetables and fish while I built the fire.

Seared Tuna! Fingerling potatoes! Roasted veggies!

Seared Tuna! Fingerling potatoes! Roasted veggies!

Now, everyone has a different idea of what "camping" is. In our mind, it involves a tent and making your own food, I guess. We're not roughing it by any means and it's certainly not about digging a scat hole and making fire with a flint. We wanted to make it manageable for us considering we would be driving for several hours on many of our camping nights. We wanted to get a great night’s sleep so we got a pretty big tent and cots instead of foam sleep pads. We have a mini kitchen in the back of our car.

Anyway, by now we had the essentials down pat: As you can see we got the tent set up and the cots put together. The whole "let's get a fire going" is something I'm still getting used to, though. 

In the end, dinner was delicious and we went to sleep under the stars (we left the rainfly off), to a live soundtrack of Dierks Bentley playing my new favorite (no joke) “How Am I Doin’”. We tweeted at him but no response :-(.

Sun/moon roof

Sun/moon roof

We broke camp early next morning. Our next stop was the Pelican Inn on Key Largo, so we didn't want to waste time getting there. The drive down I-95 was awfully boring though. I'm serious, it's the most dreary part of the interstate we'd encountered.

Only official picture from Miami

Only official picture from Miami

PLOT TWIST!: Julia's in Miami and she's reading our tweets. That meant a spontaneous re-routing through unchartered territory. Did we plan on going through Miami? No. Was I-95 jammed up and did we have any idea that the there are Florida State toll roads? Also, no. So we set off on a happy-go-lucky chase through Miami to meet up with Julia.

Now, remember how I said that the part I'd been missing didn't come until Miami? Well, here it is: driving through town we found ourselves so excited at seeing the colors of the buildings. We saw pink houses and blue houses. Bright green cars with outrageous rims. I swear, Miami has the corner market on custom green paint jobs. Suddenly we were in this weird land of palm trees, bright colors and bad-ass cars!

Back to the story: Julia was in town to work on a commercial and we rolled in, just as they were finishing their day to say "hello".

#nofilter #iosdistortion

#nofilter #iosdistortion

Aside form an enthusiastic greeting we got so much more though. You see, the woman who ran craft services on this job, Nina, was a culinary goddess. Craft Services, or Crafty, are the stay-at-home mom’s of the film industry. That sounds derogatory, but hear me out! Every stay-at-home mom I ever knew made sure there was tasty food at a moments notice so kids would be able to do homework with full brain power as well as hang out with friends after school without getting hangry (or HALT as we call it — Hungry Angry Lonely Tired).

Now keep in mind that the standard day on a film set is twelve hours with one meal break in the middle and you see why Crafty is so important. Film work is manual labor! Nina was there for her crew all day that Sunday and as they finished their day she offered up her culinary wonders to us, the weary travelers, just because we were Julia’s friends. Now there are two phenomena we could pin this on: Julia’s ability to befriend any person she has ever met; or Nina’s charisma, kindness, and culinary skill. We were so grateful we want to credit both.

Nina with Proud owner of Nina iced coffee

Nina with Proud owner of Nina iced coffee

Here’s to the best iced coffee we have ever had—hands down, the fantastic flan Nina sent with us for our dessert in Key Largo, and her tasty cookies that got us through a few hangry moments as we drove through Florida. 

Strengthened and encouraged, we set out on the road again. At this point the Keys were within our grasp and we didn't want to waste any more time on the road. That however, we'll cover in the next post!

Ab in den Süden!

Ab in den Süden!