So like most everyone else, we took the wonderful weather (almost 70 degrees, in Maryland!) to get outside and to test our boots (really our stamina, but we're trying to keep up appearances). We decided to head out to the old C & O Canal National Historical Park on the Maryland side of Great Falls.
Some immediate impressions:
1. Holy moly first warm day = people get outside in droves!
2. It's a very different experience walking through a forest, that lacks all of it's foliage.
3. There are so. many. birds.
From hiking/walking along the Virginia side of the Potomac River, I knew that people like to kayak and raft on the river (I actually, I think I remember seeing someone losing their paddle on the river a couple of years back). This time we were hiking along the Billy Goat Trail which is on the Maryland side, and saw lots of people on the water again as well as a rock climbing class, by the looks of it.